October 4th 2009 08:09 am

It’s Been Two Years Since We Found Out

I’m currently still living the vagabond experience and writing this from Chicago so I haven’t made a lot of extra time to write new posts, but I have a ton of pictures and good stories so I’ll make some updates next week when I’m back in Whittier.

This weekend I wanted to take a moment and reflect a little though.  October 2 was the two year mark of Monica’s original diagnosis of breast cancer.  I remember it like yesterday.  She was so brave from that very first day.  I think I was so scared that I was in denial.  I didn’t want to make too big a deal out of it because I didn’t want to scare her any more while she was being brave.  Besides we figured breast cancer was beatable; especially at her age.  We never thought for a moment that the news could get worse than it already was.  Unfortunately, her diagnosis was wrong.  Five months later, we found out after her bilateral mastectomy that what she really had was angiosarcoma.

Well, it’s been two years since my heart first fell into the pit of my stomach.  It seems to live there now.  Days like Oct 2 are sad days.  I don’t mean to finally get around to posting something and have it be negative, but that’s the reailty of it.  Hopefully, getting it off my chest like this will help in the healing process.

I’ll update about how Kai is doing and some of my adventures next week.  🙂

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One Response to “It’s Been Two Years Since We Found Out”

  1. CherylGregSimoneMarcus on 05 Oct 2009 at 9:43 am #

    I hear you… I still remember her voice on the phone… and our conversation…laced with tears. I remember it like it was yesterday.

    Anyway, hope you’re enjoying your adventures. Kai seems to be having the time of his life. Your mom is good at keeping us updated on Kai!

    Have fun!

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