July 27th 2009 08:12 pm
Post Office Surprise
I got an interesting surprise from the post office the other day. Apparently, an envelope we sent was destroyed in the mail. This particular envelope had a check in it which was still intact, and included our address. The post office scanned it and sent us a letter explaining that the envelope was destroyed, but that they were sending us a copy of the contents.
To my surprise, the check was written and sent by Monica back in February. It was a check for a 2 year magazine subscription to Wondertime magazine, a parenting magazine.
It was another little insight into Monica’s will to live and fight. Even as late as February, she was planning on being around for a long time.
I admire her so much.
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One Response to “Post Office Surprise”
CherylGregSimoneMarcus on 29 Jul 2009 at 1:15 pm #
She is an inspiration! I’m so proud of her…. and of you, Sol!