January 16th 2009 02:10 am
Update On Tonight’s ER Visit
I’m going to try to keep this brief because it’s almost 2 am. As you know, Monica has begun feeling pain in her right torso area from the back to the front. She’s been a trooper all week (you know how she has a high tolerance for pain), but it got really bad tonight. I called her oncologist because I had never seen her like that before. He wanted to make sure it wasn’t a rare side effect from the Avastin, so he recommended I take her to the ER just in case.
Long story short, they didn’t find anything like the bowel perforation side effect that her oncologist was worried about, so in a sense that’s good news. The ER doc thinks that it is a multifaceted issue where the tumors are growing in the liver making it tender and constipation is putting pressure on it. The bad news is that they sent us home while she continues to have intense pain. They prescribed her pain meds, an enema, and stool softeners. I’m going to take the day off from work tomorrow to take care of her, because the pain limits her mobility. Good night. Thanks for all your prayers (especially for HMO approval; we’re still waiting and according to the CT scan she got tonight, the tumors are growing).
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One Response to “Update On Tonight’s ER Visit”
MaryAnn on 16 Jan 2009 at 1:18 pm #
We are praying.