November 15th 2008 08:29 am
Chemo #13
Today at chemo I guess there was good news. My doctor went and looked at the scan at the hospital and after comparing the largest tumor, found no change. That was what he was hoping to find (that or shrinkage). He says that it is not out of the ordinary to see a scan that shows good shrinkage and then a stable one. He thinks that the growth shown on the smaller tumors could be human or imaging error and not to worry about it. It was good to hear, but I’m still unsure. The one that showed up on the spine was not imaged in the July scan or the September scan. They didn’t go that low. It is new since March, but so is everything else.
I think that Sol and I might make an appointment with another oncologist just for a second opinion. Sol’s boss says that this other oncologist is known for being “creative” in pursuing treatments. Another thing we will do is send my scans to two facilities for further review and 2nd opinions. None of this could be bad to do.
As for our eating change. It’s going well for me, but last night was quite eventful. After playing video games at a friend’s house, Sol came home presenting symptoms of diabetic shock. He was shaking, cold to the touch, about to faint, vomiting, and much more. His temperature was only 92 degrees. Sol woke me up (it was about 11:30 pm), and I called a nurse’s hotline. She said to call 911. I gave Sol some pedialite and M & Ms. When the paramedics got here, he looked and felt like a different man. He was doing much better. They tested his sugars and said they were fine, and they did an EKG and said he was ok. Since he wasn’t presenting those symptoms anymore, they said if it came on again that I should just drive him to the hospital. So about 10 minutes later, he started feeling bad again. So we called a friend, Sunshine, to come stay with the sleeping Kai and went to the hospital. They ran a bunch of tests and started a saline iv. It turns out that it was a very bad case of dehydration. After two liters of saline, Sol was feeling much better. All the blood tests and x-rays came back normal, so we came home about 4 am. We’ll take turns sleeping today. Since Sol was in the hospital, he goes first!
I am tired, but know that I’ll have my turn sleeping soon!
Love to you all,
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One Response to “Chemo #13”
gushteru28 on 18 Nov 2008 at 7:13 pm #
I was wondering why you popped into my mind so randomly the other day and why I felt compelled to hunt you down. It’s funny… I can’t remember when or why or how we lost touch, and I have to say that I am alternately devastated and ecstatic for you now that I’ve “found” you again! You have SUCH a precious little boy who, surely, has brought you so much joy and strength over this last year. And Sol – I hardly recognized him!! Last time I saw him, his hair was much longer than yours, with beautiful curls any girl would be envious of 🙂 And you look absolutely gorgeous (with or without the wig!) I am so sad to hear about the cancer diagnosis and I’m sure you must be on a crazy roller coaster with these latest developments. Please know that I’ll be thinking of you and praying for you (put Emeryville, CA on the map!!) and please send me an email so we can reconnect. Sending good thoughts your way, Karen (from long ago in the days of the Bridge Fresno’s women bible study – I was around when you first met Sol and was at your wedding!) 🙂