I thought it might be interesting to get a bit of Monica’s daily perspective, so I set her up with a Twitter account. For those of you unfamiliar with Twitter, it’s an interesting new way of “auto-updating” people with short messages that can be viewed online or through text messages. Twitter is supposed to be one of those killer new applications like MySpace or Facebook that is taking the internet by storm.
The way it works is that Monica can send a text message from her cell phone from anywhere she might be at that moment. Anyone who is her Twitter friend will automatically get her message with her update, and any program that collects her Twitter info is also automatically updated. I set up this website to collect her Twitter updates and post them at the top of the sidebar.
It’s just another little way of staying connected to her throughout the days ahead. If you already have a Twitter acount, you can add her to your friend’s list with our username: solandmonica and she’ll also get your updates.