Archive for the 'Maintenance' Category

October 17th 2007

Oops, Twitter Doesn’t Seem to Be Working

It seems like Twitter isn’t working correctly, so I may take that down unless I can fix it.  Sorry.  Monica actually made several Twitter entries today, bu they didn’t show up…

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October 17th 2007

Web Site Feature Update – Twitter!

I thought it might be interesting to get a bit of Monica’s daily perspective, so I set her up with a Twitter account.  For those of you unfamiliar with Twitter, it’s an interesting new way of “auto-updating” people with short messages that can be viewed online or through text messages.  Twitter is supposed to be one of those killer new applications like MySpace or Facebook that is taking the internet by storm.

The way it works is that Monica can send a text message from her cell phone from anywhere she might be at that moment.  Anyone who is her Twitter friend will automatically get her message with her update, and any program that collects her Twitter info is also automatically updated.  I set up this website to collect her Twitter updates and post them at the top of the sidebar.

It’s just another little way of staying connected to her throughout the days ahead.  If you already have a Twitter acount, you can add her to your friend’s list with our username: solandmonica and she’ll also get your updates.


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October 15th 2007


Welcome to our new web site!  Thanks for visiting; especially now as we endure a time of trial with Monica’s cancer. 

We hope to use this web site to keep you all better informed.  We appreciate everyone’s support and apologize for not being able to update everyone personally all the time, but it’s a true testament to the love that you all have been showing… there are just too many of you to update and we appreciate that!

As we start updating the site with stories and pictures, I’d like to ask everyone to stop by the “Encouragement Guest Book” to leave some words of encouragement, hope, love, prayers, etc for Monica.  My hope is that the guestbook will serve as a way for you to reach out to her and also that it would be a great reminder to of the many people who are supporting her.

Thank you all.

God bless.

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October 12th 2007

New Website Coming Soon!

We’re working hard on updating our web site so that we can keep everyone better informed about news and updates.  Stay tuned… 

In the meantime, you can view our old site by clicking on the link in the menu above labeled “Old Site”.

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